Sir Chris Hoy

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Sir Chris Hoy

#11 Post by exile »

Be careful of joining the dots together and making false conclusions.

Around 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Probably at least as many again will have it and live with it without being diagnosed.

When working with a colleague who was in the pharmaceuticals division and looking to encourage doctors to take on one of the then latest whizzo products to reduce the problems of said cancer, they said that nearly 50% of men would die with (but importantly not necessarily because of) prostate cancer.

If that number is anyway true (and I cannot verify it), it will be very easy to find lots of cyclists, potholers and/or indolent retirees who have prostate cancer and then draw the conclusion that there is a link. Perhaps there is but you would need a lot more evidence to prove it.

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Sir Chris Hoy

#12 Post by Pathca »

Correlation isn’t causation

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Sir Chris Hoy

#13 Post by MAD87 »

Around 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
I remember when my daughter was doing her basic training at limoges (in the 90s!), she said that 100% of men over 90 have prostate cancer, but also that the older you get it, the less aggressive it is.

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