Subventions for air-air PAC's

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L Austin France
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Subventions for air-air PAC's

#1 Post by L Austin France »

Anyone know if these are available?
The company who's devis I'm considering says none on air-air but Ma prime en Ligne clearly says there are ;
La pompe à chaleur et climatisation
En 2023, à quelles types de subventions a-t-on droit ?

La pompe à chaleur de type air-air, offrant à la fois des fonctions de chauffage en hiver et de climatisation en été.

Profitez en 2023 des incitations financières telles que le programme MaPrimeRenov’, « Habiter Mieux » de l’ANAH, les CEE, ainsi que les

chèques énergie."

I'm confused.

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Subventions for air-air PAC's

#2 Post by RobertArthur »

There is an online calculator available, this website of the French government. This is the tool.

Subsidies, never easy.


The amount of the grant is a flat rate. It is calculated on the basis of the household's income and the ecological gain achieved by the work.

The resource ceilings have been categorised into four profiles/colours according to different income levels (from the most modest to the most affluent households):


A fifth MaPrimeRénov'Copropriété profile has been established to set MaPrimeRénov' rates for work carried out by co-ownerships.

From another website:

Ma Prime Rénov' for second homes: can I get help?
Are you looking to renovate your second home and are looking for finance? Unfortunately, MaPrimeRénov' is reserved for primary residences!

L Austin France
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Subventions for air-air PAC's

#3 Post by L Austin France »

According to the company I'm going to run with I can get 200€ per installation back so two systems x 200€ =400€. Not a lot but it'll be nice to get something back for all the taxes etc I've paid & certainly sweetens the deal :D
I was toying up one outside unit for two inside v two seperate outside & inside & the two + two was almost 1k cheaper plus more autonomy & the outside units are exactly the same as one I have so I know their efficiency & noise levels (very quiet)

L Austin France
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Subventions for air-air PAC's

#4 Post by L Austin France »

Turns out the prime is something given by the oil & other energy type industries to encourage lower energy consumption & 'big up' their green credentials. (my words)
The company who I've contracted to install 2 more air/air PAC systems have done the simulation based on our declared income,will do 'the paperwork' to claim it & will deduct the prime from the devis.
Not too dusty when there are no goverment subventions for air/air systems & equates to about a 5% discount on the quote.
If you don't ask you don't get :D

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