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#1 Post by Hotrodder »

I don't know if there are any members here that live in 22 near Callac but here goes. We are looking for someone to sort out our drive/parking area. It is a mess and I'm no longer able to do digging or lift heavy bags of stuff. I did have a recommendation for someone not far away but in typical French fashion they don't respond to emails (I have sent four) and a phone call provoked near indifference to my query. Does anyone know of an English speaking person that actually wants a bit of work laying a drive? I'm looking for something a bit more durable and tidy than throwing down a bit of gravel.
Thanks in advance.
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#2 Post by Blaze »

We wanted the name of a good maçon and when we were in a builder's merchants in Dol (Denis Matériaux), we asked the receptionist if she knew of a good one. She gave us a couple of names and we picked one of them - jackpot ! We wanted a chape on the earth floor of our barn plus a door knocked through the back wall. He was excellent, and reasonably priced and nice to have around. We've had him back to do another couple of smaller jobs.

Word of mouth is the best way and if possible, seeing some of their work.
If you want an English-speaker, you'll have to ask Brits in your area - I think there are quite a few round Callac.

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#3 Post by Hotrodder »

Yes, Callac is a bit of a mini Brit hot spot. So far we haven't spoken to many. We don't get out much and Callac is a bit of a non-event at best. We do however frequent the animal shelter charity shop there. Will ask the nice lady that runs it about local trades.
I often read about the uphill struggle of getting trades to actually turn up, even once a devis has been signed. Not looking forward to the ordeal.
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#4 Post by Lori »

Hotrodder wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 8:13 pm We are looking for someone to sort out our drive/parking area.
Thanks in advance.
We needed the same thing here is dept. 24. Unfortunately, our driveway is about 60 meters long. If you are looking for concrete, get read for an eye watering number. Even asphalt was a shocker. If your driveway is short, it may not be so bad.

We've put the project on hold for now.

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#5 Post by Polarengineer »

Friday and Saturday we spent spreading 26 tons of sterile (a sort of left-over dust and small rubble from the local quarry) on our drive and parking area to the watermill. I had my minipelle and tractor with benne, but the shoveling and raking are very hard work. At 78 I cannot recommend this sort of exercise every day. We spent the rest of the weekend horizontal. The sterile packs down very hard and is a good and cheaper alternative to graded gravel.

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#6 Post by Hotrodder »

Been there, done that. I once had a load of gravel delivered for a hard standing thinking I could spread it with rakes, etc. No way. I battled with it for several days when a passing neighbour offered to loan me his minidigger. What a life saver! I've only just turned 77 and shouldn't have to do all this manual stuff. I have been on pain killers even before I came to France with a dodgy spine.
Apart from a bit of trenching, my last bout of torture was digging a big hole to bury a fosse tank. Took me about six weeks using a garden fork and a decent French builder's shovel. Never again. I had tried to get a pro in with a digger but the only one that bothered to respond was very vague about price, "somewhere between €3 and 4 hundred". I didn't have that sort of money at the time so declined his (ripoff) offer.
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